Thursday, 25 March 2010

Apologies for the delay...

... things have been busy and I had a slight disagreement with my computer. All is now resolved, and today's update brings you not one, not two, but three blog posts! The most recent follows here, and two more can be found below.

Today I was back once again in my trusty Byker pool. I dislike the swimming experience, but I am growing quite fond of the sauna.

I didn't really have a particular aim for today - I thought 2 miles might be pushing it after Monday.

I started out in a great position next to a wall. This is the best place to be as it means you can only find yourself under attack from side, and it's quite easy to fend them off. However, today I discovered the one great weakness of this spot - the steps. People get in the pool, can't be bothered to move far and start swimming in my space! I don't understand how they think this will ever work. It's not a multi-storey swimming pool. You can't go under or over me. You have to go round. And inevitably I am the one who ends up going round, because most of the people in Byker are pretty scary looking.

Then, something a bit strange happened. Everyone in the pool except me gathered in one corner. I thought, "great! I'll move to that gigantic empty space", and did so. All at once the group in the corner disbanded and attacked my lovely space. It was very odd, and I take it as further evidence that there is a conspiracy.

The rest of the swim was the same as usual - people swimming every way except in a straight line from shallow end to deep end and back again, and using some of the most insane strokes I have ever seen. One man's attempt at butterfly was little more than flopping into the water in a star shape. He didn't move very far.

So, I am at 1002 lengths or 15.5 miles, and I am now back at home for Easter so there will be all new pool experiences to report on next week!

On Monday afternoon I journeyed to Killingworth once more - this is definitely my favourite pool.

My aim was 130 lengths, as I knew this would take me to 14 miles. It would also be the furthest I have ever swum!

Things got off to a good start, but soon the children were arriving (I always forget how early the schools finish!). There were 2 lanes but I was in neither due to lessons taking place, so the large leftover space quickly settled into half for adults swimming lengths and the rest for children messing around. Until... girl + father arrived and proceeded to wander around amongst the sensible length swimmers! At one point I was treading water next to this man for a full minute as he had his head half under the water and didn't see me. He was just standing there. He kept coming up for air and looking around but somehow not seeing me. I couldn't go round him because of other swimmers on one side and his daughter flailing about on the other. When he eventually spotted me he did an amazing comedy jump and splash - I must have terrified him! He did at least have the decency to apologise and move himself and child out of the way.

Both lanes emptied after I'd done the first mile so I moved into the nearest one. I was quickly followed by 4 of the slowest breaststroke swimmers I have ever encountered - with astoundingly dry hair, and probably quite severe neck ache - so I moved over again, and had a whole lane to myself until I hit 130. Can't believe I made it!

Last Friday I was back at Byker and for once it was relatively quiet! I found swimming quite hard though - I felt totally uncoordinated and like I wasn't going anywhere, and also got tired quickly. In the end I only did a mile, as I didn't want to carry on and the children where starting to appear and get in my way! I did discover that the sauna is free though, so I was in there for a while!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Halfway there!

Today I was joined by my friend Jo and as she has a car we ventured further afield to a lovely pool at Killingworth (for some reason she didn't seem to want to go to Byker!).

It was relatively quiet when we arrived and, promisingly, there were lanes! I watched for a bit to try and decide where to swim, and couldn't for the life of me figure out one lane (it turned out to be lifeguard training) so I headed to the other, where there was one man swimming front crawl at about my speed. I was just thinking how enjoyable it was to have enough room and a lovely lane to swim in when I noticed (out of the corner of my eye as I poked my head out to breathe) that the lane was being taken away - the rope was sailing over my head!

I've come to believe that there is a conspiracy against me in Newcastle swimming pools. It's just ridiculous.

Anyway, it wasn't too busy and after about length 80 it was actually very quiet, so I can't really complain. I did 122 lengths front crawl (almost - 2 were breaststroke and there was a token backstroke in there as well today) at a steady pace but it did take a bit longer than usual due to there being someone else for me to talk to! Jo swum a mile but doesn't seem too keen on the idea of another 21... She's running a marathon next month though, so I'll let her off.

So. 586 + 122 = 708 out of 1416... HALF WAY THERE!! And hopefully on target to finish within 6 weeks.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Back to Byker

I was back at Byker pool today, with the usual people dodging rituals. You've heard it all before. My favourites were the 2 girls who repeatedly threw themselves at my head.

I had quite a lot of time so I got a bit carried away and swum 128 lengths - 2 miles!

This brings my total to 586, with 830 left to go.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A different experience.

I didn't realise how long it had been since my last swim! Things have been busy this week.

Today I went to the City Pool after my lecture, and there honestly was nothing of interest that happened to me, which was quite disappointing.

The only way in which City Pool is better than Byker is the provision of lanes - you get a choice between front crawl and breaststroke. The rest of the pool was full so I opted for the front crawl lane. Since starting this challenge 3 weeks ago I have always swum front crawl one way and breaststroke back, mainly because I can't swim a lot of front crawl (or so I thought). The people in the lane were going at a steady pace and I knew I wouldn't be causing problems swimming the odd breaststroke length, as I swim quite fast. However, the lifeguard wasn't having any of it so, even though I was keeping up with everyone else in the lane and other people were far more obstructive than I was, it was made clear that I had to swim front crawl or move into the jam packed bit and commence the usual pattern of dodging people.

The upshot of all this is that I swum 100 lengths front crawl pretty much non stop. Given that 3 weeks ago I was doing 2 front crawl and 2 breaststroke then stopping for a rest, I think this is an achievement!

My arms are quite sore now, but this may be partly due to having a vaccination in each one yesterday - they've been a bit sore ever since!

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Today I learned...

... not to try and sing along to Glee whilst swimming.

I have to report that... nothing happened which is worth talking about!

Well, there was the usual dodging of idiots, but I'm getting used to it.

I swam 102 lengths. I did an extra 2 because apparently a mile is 64 and a half lengths, not just 64, so every 4 miles I need to do an extra 2. Also I don't really like doing 100 because it seems a bit too perfect. Maybe next time I'll do 98. Maybe one day I'll do an odd number! Although that would involve getting out at the (slightly) deep(er) end and walking down the poolside, which seems rather silly.

I did tell a tiny little white lie before. Something a bit interesting did happen, but I have been debating whether to tell you or not. Mainly because it makes me look stupid, but since I've just gone on for far too long about 100 being too perfect I might as well tell you.

I was having a shower before getting in, and spotted a lovely big gap where I could swim without interference. It was right in the middle of the pool, so instead of faffing around with steps and cutting across people I went straight for the space. I was aiming for an elegant "sit and slide" kind of motion, like everyone manages, but my foot slipped a bit and it ended up as more of a "flop and roll". Luckily I can laugh at myself, and make it seem like people are laughing with me, not at me!

I kept remembering at odd moments whilst swimming and couldn't stop giggling, and consequently spent quite a lot of time treading water during water-swallowing-induced coughing fits.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Let's start today with a question - when entering a pool, is it sensible to:
a) go and a fill a gap, or
b) plonk yourself directly in someone else's path and swim straight towards them?
Answers on a postcard please.

Next, a slight correction - I actually did 56 lengths on Sunday, not 55. I'm not sure why I was so convinced it was 55 - I'd never do an odd number!

Today I was planning to boycott Byker and try the City pool instead, but by the time I'd packed up everything I had to take to my tutorial this morning I couldn't manage to carry swimming things as well! I ended up back at Byker, armed with a new pair of goggles (red, unfortunately - I quite liked my purple ones).

I was aiming for 84 lengths - my original plan was to do 80 each time, so even though I only managed 56 on Sunday, because I'd done an extra 20 last week I was only 4 behind.

It was quite quiet when I arrived and I jumped straight into a lovely, empty space next to an old lady with a perfect haircut, very large glasses (think Deirdre from Corrie) and bright orange armbands. I was ecstatic to have a place to swim up and down in a straight line! It didn't last long, however... as I was starting back down the pool on only my second length I noticed that armband lady was bobbing around right where I was aiming for. I altered course and avoided her, but she continued to move right into my path every single time.

Eventually I moved over, hoping to get myself in line for prime position (next to the wall) when a few people got out. I did make it there in the end, but only after contending with more people whose only purpose in life seems to be getting in my way. I think my favourite was the lady who I spotted getting in when I was halfway down the pool. She was walking along to find a place, so I slowed down so she would be out of my way when I got to the end. I was less than 2 metres from the wall - one more kick would have got me there - when she turned, stared at me, then stopped against the wall right in front of me! I was so shocked, given that there was plenty of room just a tiny bit further away, that I just floated in front of her for a second, before noticing that she was giving me a look that could only mean, "this is my lane. I always swim here. Get out of my way." I complied pretty quickly.

Anyway. I did make it to that prime position next to the wall, but it turns out it's not so great. Something weird seems to happen with the big grates for the wave machine and the entrance to the children's area, and it makes it far more difficult to swim for the middle third.

After all that, I made it to 84 lengths and then calculated that another 16 would make it 4 miles in total, so I pushed on to 100. Unfortunately the picture below's calculator seems different to mine, and I needed 2 more lengths to make it 4 miles! Ah well. Next time.